Source code for roboglia.base.register

# Copyright (C) 2020  Alex Sonea

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import inspect

from ..utils import check_type, check_options, check_not_empty
from .device import BaseDevice
from .sync import BaseSync

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseRegister(): """A minimal representation of a device register. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the register device: BaseDevice or subclass The device where the register is attached to address: int (typpically but some devices might use other addressing) The register address size: int The register size in bytes; defaults to 1 minim: int Minimum value represented in register in internal format; defaults to 0 maxim: int Maximum value represented in register; defaults to 2^size - 1. The setter method for internal value will check that the desired value is within the [min, max] and trim it accordingly access: str Read ('R') or read-write ('RW'); default 'R' clone: BaseRegister or subclass or ``None`` Indicates if the register is a clone; this value provides the reference to the register object that acts as the main register in interation with the communication bus. This allows you to define multiple represtnations of the same physical register (at a given address) with the purpose of having different external representations. For example: - you can have a position register that can provide the external value in degrees or radians, - a velocity register that can provide the external value in degrees per second, radians per second or rotations per minute, - a byte register that reads 8 inputs and mask them each as a :py:class:`BoolRegister` with a different bit mask In the device definition YAML file use ``True`` to indicate if a register is a clone. The device constructor will replace the reference of the main register with the same address in the constructor of this register. sync: bool ``True`` if the register will be updated from the real device using a sync loop. If `sync` is ``False`` access to the register through the value property will invoke reading / writing to the real register; default ``False`` word: bool Indicates that the register is a ``word`` register (16 bits) instead of a usual 8 bits. Some I2C and SPI devices use 16bit registers and need to use separate access functions to read them as opposed to the 8 bit registers. Default is ``False`` which effectively makes it an 8 bit register order: ``LH`` or ``HL`` Applicable only for registers with size > 1 that represent a value over successive internal registers, but for convenience are groupped as one single register with size 2 (or higher). ``LH`` means low-high and indicates the bytes in the registry are organized starting with the low byte first. ``HL`` indicates that the registers are with the high byte first. Technically the ``read`` and ``write`` functions always read the bytes in the order they are stored in the device and if the register is marked as ``HL`` the list is reversed before being returned to the requester or processed as a number in case the ``bulk`` is ``False``. Default is ``LH``. default: int The default value for the register; implicit 0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='REGISTER', device=None, address=0, clone=None, size=1, minim=0, maxim=None, access='R', sync=False, word=False, bulk=True, order='LH', default=0, **kwargs): # these are already checked by the device self.__name = name # device check_not_empty(device, 'device', 'register',, logger) check_type(device, BaseDevice, 'register',, logger) self.__device = device # address if address != 0: check_not_empty(address, 'address', 'register',, logger) self.__address = address # clone self.__clone = clone if clone: check_type(clone, BaseRegister, 'register',, logger) # clone registers inherit the settings from the original self.__size = clone.size self.__minim = clone.minim self.__maxim = clone.maxim self.__access = clone.access self.__word = clone.word self.__order = clone.order else: # size check_not_empty(size, 'size', 'register',, logger) check_type(size, int, 'register',, logger) self.__size = size # minim check_type(minim, int, 'register',, logger) self.__minim = minim # maxim if maxim: check_type(maxim, int, 'register',, logger) self.__maxim = maxim else: self.__maxim = pow(2, self.size * 8) - 1 # access check_options(access, ['R', 'RW'], 'register',, logger) self.__access = access # sync check_options(sync, [True, False], 'register',, logger) self.__sync = sync # word check_options(word, [True, False], 'register',, logger) self.__word = word # bulk check_options(bulk, [True, False], 'register',, logger) self.__bulk = bulk # order check_options(order, ['LH', 'HL'], 'register',, logger) self.__order = order # default check_type(default, int, 'register',, logger) self.__default = default self.__int_value = self.default
@property def name(self): """Register's name.""" return self.__name @property def device(self): """The device the register belongs to.""" return self.__device @property def address(self): """The register's address in the device.""" return self.__address @property def clone(self): """Indicates the register is a clone of another.""" return self.__clone @property def size(self): """The regster's size in Bytes.""" return self.__size @property def minim(self): """The register's minimum value in internal format.""" return self.__minim @property def maxim(self): """The register's maximum value in internal format.""" return self.__maxim @property def range(self): """Tuple with (minim, maxim) values in internal format.""" return (self.__minim, self.__maxim) @property def min_ext(self): """The register's minimum value in external format.""" return self.value_to_external(self.minim) @property def max_ext(self): """The register's maximum value in external format.""" return self.value_to_external(self.maxim) @property def range_ext(self): """Tuple with (minim, maxim) values in external format.""" return (self.min_ext, self.max_ext) @property def access(self): """Register's access mode.""" return self.__access @property def sync(self): """Register is subject to a sync loop update.""" if self.clone: return self.clone.sync return self.__sync @sync.setter def sync(self, value): """Sets the register as being synced by a loop. Only subclasses of :py:class:`BaseSync` are allowed to do this change.""" caller = inspect.stack()[1].frame.f_locals['self'] if isinstance(caller, (BaseSync, BaseRegister)): if self.clone: self.clone.sync = (value is True) else: self.__sync = (value is True) else: logger.error('only BaseSync subclasses can chance the sync ' 'flag of a register') @property def word(self): """Indicates if the register is an 16 bit register (``True``) or an 8 bit register. """ return self.__word @property def order(self): """Indicates the order of the data representartion; low-high (LH) or high-low (HL) """ return self.__order @property def default(self): """The register's default value in internal format.""" if self.clone: return self.clone.default return self.__default @property def int_value(self): """Internal value of register, if a clone return the value of the main register.""" if self.clone: return self.clone.int_value return self.__int_value @int_value.setter def int_value(self, value): """If clone, store the value in the main register.""" if self.clone: self.clone.int_value = value else: self.__int_value = value
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """Converts the presented value to external format according to register's settings. This method should be overridden by subclasses in case they have specific conversions to do. .. see also: :py:class:`BoolRegister`, :py:class:`RegisterWithConversion`, :py:class:`RegisterWithThreshold` Parameters ---------- value: int A value (internal representation) to be converted. Returns ------- int For ``BaseRegister`` it returns the same value unchanged. """ return value
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """Converts the presented value to internal format according to register's settings. This method should be overridden by subclasses in case they have specific conversions to do. .. see also: :py:class:`BoolRegister`, :py:class:`RegisterWithConversion`, :py:class:`RegisterWithThreshold` Parameters ---------- value: int A value (external representation) to be converted. Returns ------- int For ``BaseRegister`` it returns the same value unchanged. """ return value
@property def value(self): """Provides the value of the register in external format. If the register is not marked for ``sync`` then it requests the device to perform a ``read`` in order to refresh the content of the register. Returns ------- any The value of the register in the external format. It invokes :py:meth:`value_to_external` which can be overridden by subclasses to provide different representations of the register's value (hence the ``any`` return type). """ if not self.sync: return self.value_to_external(self.int_value) @value.setter def value(self, value): """Updates the internal value of the register with a value provided in external format. It invokes the :py:meth:`value_to_internal` method to perform the conversion. If the register's ``sync`` is not ``True`` it will ask the device to initiate a ``write`` of the data to the device. The method also checks if the converted value sits in the allowed range defined by the ``minim`` and ``maxim`` attributes of the register before updating. If the register is with access 'R' (read-only) it will ignore the request and log a warning. Parameters ---------- value: any The value in external format needed to be stored. """ # trim according to min and max for the register if self.access != 'R': int_value = self.value_to_internal(value) self.int_value = max(self.minim, min(self.maxim, int_value)) if not self.sync: # pragma: no branch self.write() else: logging.warning(f'Attempted to write in RO register {} ' f'of device {}')
[docs] def write(self): """Performs the actual writing of the internal value of the register to the device. Calls the device's method to write the value of register. """ self.device.write_register(self, self.int_value)
[docs] def read(self): """Performs the actual reading of the internal value of the register from the device. Calls the device's method to read the value of register. """ value = self.device.read_register(self) # only update the internal value if the read value from device # is not None # a value of None indicates that there was an issue with readind # the data from the device if value is not None: # pragma: no branch self.int_value = value
[docs] def __str__(self): """Representation of the register [name]: value.""" return f'[{}]: {self.value} ({self.int_value})'
[docs]class BoolRegister(BaseRegister): """A register with BOOL representation (true/false). Inherits from :py:class:`BaseRegister` all methods. Overrides `value_to_external` and `value_to_internal` to process a bool value. Parameters ---------- bits: int or ``None`` An optional bit pattern to use in the determination of the output of the register. Default is None and in this case we simply compare the internal value with 0. mode: str ('all' or 'any') Indicates how the bit pattern should be used: 'all' means all the bits in the pattern must match while 'any' means any bit that matches the pattern is enough to result in a ``True`` external value. Only used if bits is not ``None``. Default is 'any'. mask: int or ``None`` An optional mask that allows for partial bit handling on the internal values. This mask permits handling only the specified bits without affecting the other ones in the internal value. For instance if the mask is 0b00001111 then the operations (setter, getter) will only affect the most significant 4 bits of the register. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bits=None, mode='any', mask=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if bits: check_type(bits, int, 'register',, logger) check_options(mode, ['all', 'any'], 'register',, logger) if mask: check_type(mask, int, 'register',, logger) self.__bits = bits self.__mode = mode self.__mask = mask
@property def bits(self): """The bit pattern used.""" return self.__bits @property def mode(self): """The bitmasking mode ('all' or 'any').""" return self.__mode @property def mask(self): """The partial bitmask for the handling of the bits.""" return self.__mask
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """The external representation of bool register. """ if self.bits is None: return bool(value) # this assumes that if a mask is used the bits in the ``bits`` # attribute are all 0 already and we don't need to AND the ``mask`` # with the bits if self.mode == 'any': return bool(value & self.bits) if self.mode == 'all': return (value & self.bits) == self.bits raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """The internal representation of the register's value. """ if not self.mask: # no mask used if not value: # False ret = 0 elif self.bits: # True and bits ret = self.bits else: # True and no bits ret = 1 else: # mask used # the int() below is to remove a linter error masked_int_value = self.int_value & (~ int(self.mask)) if not value: # False; reset # equivalent to reseting the bits ret = masked_int_value else: # True; set # setting the bits ret = self.bits | masked_int_value return ret
[docs]class RegisterWithConversion(BaseRegister): """A register with an external representation that is produced by using a linear transformation:: external = (internal - offset) / factor internal = external * factor + offset The ``RegisterWithConversion`` inherits all the paramters from :py:class:`BaseRegister` and in addition includes the following specific parameters that are used when converting the data from internal to external format. Parameters ---------- factor: float A factor used for conversion. Defaults to 1.0. offset: int The offset for the conversion; defaults to 0 (int) sign_bit: int or None If a number is given it means that the register is "signed" and that bit represents the sign. Bits are numbered from 1 meaning that if ``sign_bit`` is 1 the less significant bit is used and if we have a 2 bytes register the most significant bit would be 16. The convention is that numbers having 0 in this bit are positive and the ones having 1 are negative numbers. Raises: KeyError: if any of the mandatory fields are not provided ValueError: if value provided are wrong or the wrong type """
[docs] def __init__(self, factor=1.0, offset=0, sign_bit=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_type(factor, float, 'register',, logger) self.__factor = factor check_type(offset, int, 'register',, logger) self.__offset = offset if sign_bit: check_type(sign_bit, int, 'register',, logger) self.__sign_bit = pow(2, sign_bit) else: self.__sign_bit = None
@property def factor(self): """The conversion factor for external value.""" return self.__factor @property def offset(self): """The offset for external value.""" return self.__offset @property def sign_bit(self): """The sign bit, if any.""" return self.__sign_bit
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """ The external representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: external = (internal - offset) / factor """ if self.sign_bit and value > (self.sign_bit / 2): # negative number value = value - self.sign_bit return (float(value) - self.offset) / self.factor
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """ The internal representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: internal = external * factor + offset The resulting value is rounded to produce an integer suitable to be stored in the register. """ value = round(float(value) * self.factor + self.offset) if value < 0 and self.sign_bit: value = value + self.sign_bit return value
[docs]class RegisterWithDynamicConversion(RegisterWithConversion): """A register that, in addition to the conversions provided by :py:class:`RegisterWithConversion` can use the value provided by another register in the device as a factor adjustment. Parameters ---------- factor_reg: str The name of the register that provides the additional factor adjustment. Raises: KeyError: if any of the mandatory fields are not provided ValueError: if value provided are wrong or the wrong type """
[docs] def __init__(self, factor_reg=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_type(factor_reg, str, 'register',, logger) # the registers may not be in order and the referenced register # might have not been setup yet; so we need to delay the access to # it for when all registers in the device are setup self.__factor_reg_name = factor_reg self.__factor_reg = None
@property def factor_reg(self): """The register providing the additional conversion.""" if self.__factor_reg is None: self.__factor_reg = getattr(self.device, self.__factor_reg_name) return self.__factor_reg
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """ The external representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: external = (internal - offset) / factor * dynamic_factor """ # we read directly from the int_value to avoid triggering a # read of the register every time we make the conversion extra_int_val = self.factor_reg.int_value extra_factor = self.factor_reg.value_to_external(extra_int_val) if self.sign_bit and value > (self.sign_bit / 2): # negative number value = value - self.sign_bit return (float(value) - self.offset) / self.factor * extra_factor
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """ The internal representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: internal = external * factor / dynamic_factor + offset The resulting value is rounded to produce an integer suitable to be stored in the register. """ extra_int_val = self.factor_reg.int_value extra_factor = self.factor_reg.value_to_external(extra_int_val) value = round(float(value) * self.factor / extra_factor + self.offset) if value < 0 and self.sign_bit: value = value + self.sign_bit return value
[docs]class RegisterWithThreshold(BaseRegister): """A register with an external representation that is represented by a threshold between negative and positive values:: if internal >= threshold: external = (internal - threshold) / factor else: external = - internal / factor and for conversion from external to internal: if external >= 0: internal = external * factor + threshold else: internal = - external * factor The ``RegisterWithThreshold`` inherits all the paramters from :py:class:`BaseRegister` and in addition includes the following specific parameters that are used when converting the data from internal to external format. Parameters ---------- factor: float A factor used for conversion. Defaults to 1.0 threshold: int A threshold that separates the positive from negative values. Must be supplied. Raises: KeyError: if any of the mandatory fields are not proviced ValueError: if value provided are wrong or the wrong type """
[docs] def __init__(self, factor=1.0, threshold=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_type(factor, float, 'register',, logger) self.__factor = factor check_not_empty(threshold, 'threshold', 'register',, logger) check_type(threshold, int, 'register',, logger) self.__threshold = threshold
@property def factor(self): """Conversion factor.""" return self.__factor @property def threshold(self): """The threshold for conversion.""" return self.__threshold
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """The external representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: if value < threshold: external = value / factor else: external = (threshold - value) / factor """ if value < self.threshold: return value / self.factor return (self.threshold - value) / self.factor
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """The internal representation of the register's value. Performs the translation of the value according to:: if value > 0: internal = value * factor else: internal = (-value) * factor + threshold """ if value >= 0: return value * self.factor return (-value) * self.factor + self.threshold
[docs]class RegisterWithMapping(BaseRegister): """A register that can specify a 1:1 mapping of internal values to external values. Parameters ---------- mask: int or ``None`` Optional, can indicate that only certain bits from the value of the register are used in the mapping. Ex. using 0b11110000 as a mask indicates that only the most significant 4 bits of the internal value are significant for the conversion to external values. mapping: dict A dictionary that provides {internal : external} mapping. Internally the register will construct a reverse mapping that is used in converting external values to internal ones. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mask=None, mapping={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_not_empty(mapping, 'mapping', 'register',, logger) check_type(mapping, dict, 'register',, logger) self.__mapping = mapping self.__inv_mapping = {v: k for k, v in list(self.__mapping.items())} if mask: check_type(mask, int, 'register',, logger) self.__mask = mask
@property def mapping(self): """The mapping {internal: external}.""" return self.__mapping @property def inv_mapping(self): """The mapping {external: internal}.""" return self.__inv_mapping @property def mask(self): """The bit mask is any.""" return self.__mask
[docs] def value_to_external(self, value): """Converts the internal value of the register to external format. Applies mask on the internal value if one specified before checking the mapping. If no entry is found returns 0. """ if self.mask: value = value & self.mask return self.mapping.get(value, 0)
[docs] def value_to_internal(self, value): """Converts the external value into an internal value using the inverse mapping dictionary. If no entry is found logs a warning and returns the already existing value in the ``int_value``. If mask was specified it only affects the bits specified in the mask. """ int_val = self.inv_mapping.get(value, None) if int_val is None: logger.warning(f'Incorrect value {value} when converting to ' f'internal for register "{}" of ' f'device "{}"') return self.int_value # else if self.mask: masked_int_value = self.int_value & (~int(self.mask)) int_val = int_val | masked_int_value return int_val