Source code for roboglia.base.joint

# Copyright (C) 2020  Alex Sonea

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from statistics import mean
from math import nan, isnan, isclose

from ..utils import check_key, check_type, check_options, check_not_empty
from .device import BaseDevice

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# PVL = namedtuple('PVL', ['p', 'v', 'l'])
# We cannot use ``namedtuple`` as only from Python 3.7 is has default
# values for the members and we cannot afford to introduce such a dependency
# just for this functionality.
# So, we implemented with an old-fashioned class.
[docs]class PVL(): """A representation of a (position, value, load) command that supports ``nan`` value components and implements a number of help functions like addition, substraction, negation, equality (with error margin) and representation. Parameters --------- p: float or ``nan`` The position value of the PVL v: float or ``nan`` The velocity value of the PVL ld: float or ``nan`` The load value of the PVL """
[docs] def __init__(self, p=nan, v=nan, ld=nan): self.__p = p self.__v = v self.__ld = ld
@property def p(self): """The position value in PVL.""" return self.__p @property def v(self): """The velocity value in PVL.""" return self.__v @property def ld(self): """The load value in PVL.""" return self.__ld
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Comparison of two PVLs with margin of error. Compare components of PVL one to one. ``nan`` are the same if both are ``nan``. Numbers are the same if the relative difference between them is less than 0.1% (to account for small rounding errors that might result from conversion of values from external to internal format). Parameters ---------- other: PVL The PVL to compare to Returns ------- True: if all components match (are ``nan`` in the same place) or the differences are bellow the threshold False: if there are differences on any component of the PVLs. """ def isclose_with_nan(val1, val2, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0): if isnan(val1) and isnan(val2): return True return isclose(val1, val2, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol) if isinstance(other, PVL): return isclose_with_nan(self.p, other.p, rel_tol=0.001) and \ isclose_with_nan(self.v, other.v, rel_tol=0.001) and \ isclose_with_nan(self.ld, other.ld, rel_tol=0.001) return False
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Substracts ``other`` from a PVL (``self`` - ``other``). Parameters ---------- other: PVL or float or int or list of float or int with size 3 You can substract from a PVL: - another PVL - a number (float or int) - a list of 3 numbers (float or int) Substracting ``nan`` with anything results in ``nan``. Numbers are substracted normally. Returns ------- PVL: The result as a PVL. """ def sub_with_nan(number1, number2): if isnan(number2): return number1 if isnan(number1): return - number2 return number1 - number2 if isinstance(other, PVL): return PVL(p=sub_with_nan(self.p, other.p), v=sub_with_nan(self.v, other.v), ld=sub_with_nan(self.ld, other.ld)) if isinstance(other, (float, int)): return PVL(p=sub_with_nan(self.p, other), v=self.v, ld=self.ld) if isinstance(other, list) and len(other) == 3: return PVL(p=sub_with_nan(self.p, other[0]), v=sub_with_nan(self.v, other[1]), ld=sub_with_nan(self.ld, other[2])) raise RuntimeError(f'Incompatible __sub__ paramters for {other}')
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Addition to a PVL. Parameters ---------- other: PVL or float or int or list of float or int with size 3 You can add to a PVL: - another PVL - a number (float or int) - a list of 3 numbers (float or int) Adding ``nan`` with anything results in ``nan``. Numbers are added normally. Returns ------- PVL: The result as a PVL. """ def add_with_nan(number1, number2): if isnan(number2): return number1 if isnan(number1): return number2 return number1 + number2 if isinstance(other, PVL): return PVL(p=add_with_nan(self.p, other.p), v=add_with_nan(self.v, other.v), ld=add_with_nan(self.ld, other.ld)) if isinstance(other, (float, int)): return PVL(p=add_with_nan(self.p, other), v=self.v, ld=self.ld) if isinstance(other, list) and len(other) == 3: return PVL(p=add_with_nan(self.p, other[0]), v=add_with_nan(self.v, other[1]), ld=add_with_nan(self.ld, other[2])) raise RuntimeError(f'Incompatible __add__ paramters for {other}')
[docs] def __neg__(self): """Returns the inverse of a PVL. ``nan`` values stay the same, floats are negated.""" return PVL(p=(-1 * self.p), v=(-1 * self.v), ld=(-1 * self.ld))
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Convenience representation of a PVL.""" return f'PVL(p={self.p}, v={self.v}, l={self.ld})'
[docs]class PVLList(): """A class that holds a list of PVL commands and provides a number of extra manipulation functions. The constructor pads the supplied lists with ``nan`` in case the lists are unequal in size. Parameters ---------- p: list of [float or ``nan``] The position commands as a list of float or ``nan`` like this:: p=[1, 2, nan, 30, nan, 20, 10, nan] v: list of [float or ``nan``] The velocity commands as a list of float or ``nan`` ld: list of [float or ``nan``] The load commands as a list of float or ``nan`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, p=[], v=[], ld=[]): length = max(len(p), len(v), len(ld)) # pads the short lists if len(p) < length: p = p + [nan] * (length - len(p)) if len(v) < length: v = v + [nan] * (length - len(v)) if len(ld) < length: ld = ld + [nan] * (length - len(ld)) self.__items = [PVL(p[index], v[index], ld[index]) for index in range(length)]
@property def items(self): """Returns the raw items of the list.""" return self.__items
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the length of the list.""" return len(self.__items)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Access an item by position.""" return self.__items[item]
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Provides a representation of the PVLList for convenience. It will show a list of PVLs.""" return self.items.__repr__()
@property def positions(self): """Returns the full list of positions (p) commands, including ``nan`` from the list.""" return [item.p for item in self.items] @property def velocities(self): """Returns the full list of velocities (v) commands, including ``nan`` from the list.""" return [item.v for item in self.items] @property def loads(self): """Returns the full list of load (ld) commands, including ``nan`` from the list.""" return [item.ld for item in self.items]
[docs] def append(self, p=nan, v=nan, ld=nan, p_list=[], v_list=[], l_list=[], pvl=None, pvl_list=[]): """Appends items to the PVL List. Depending on the way you call it you can: - append one item defined by parameters ``p``, ``v`` and ``l`` - append a list of items defined by paramters ``p_list``, ``v_list`` and ``l_list``; this works similar with the constructor by padding the lists if they have unequal length - append one PVL object is provided as ``pvl`` - append a list of PVL objects provided as ``pvl_list`` """ if pvl_list: self.__items.extend(pvl_list) if pvl is not None: self.__items.append(pvl) if p_list or v_list or l_list: new_pvl_list = PVLList(p_list, v_list, l_list) self.__items.extend(new_pvl_list.items) if not isnan(p) or not isnan(v) or not isnan(ld): self.__items.append(PVL(p, v, ld))
def __process_one(self, attr, func): """Utility method: applies an aggregation function ``func`` to all the attributes ``attr`` in the list excluding ``None`` values. Parameters ---------- attr: str An attribute of PVL; must be one of ['p', 'v', 'ld'] func: function An aggregation function that supports processing a list of values and returns one single aggregated value. Typical application is ``mean`` but others possible like ``median``, ``max``, ``min``, etc. Returns ------- float or None: If the list contains non ``nan`` values it will return the aggregation of them. To make things more efficient, if only one non ``nan`` value is identified, it is returned instead of applying the aggregation function. If no values are in the list it returns ``nan``. """ items = [getattr(item, attr) for item in self.__items if not isnan(getattr(item, attr))] if len(items) == 0: return nan if len(items) == 1: return items[0] return func(items)
[docs] def process(self, p_func=mean, v_func=mean, ld_func=mean): """Performs an aggregation function on all the elements in the list by applying the provided functions to the ``p``, ``v`` and ``ld`` components of all the items in the list. Parameters ---------- p_func: function An aggregation function to be used for ``p`` values in the list. Default is ``statistics.mean``. v_func: function An aggregation function to be used for ``v`` values in the list. Default is ``statistics.mean``. ld_func: function An aggregation function to be used for ``ld`` values in the list. Default is ``statistics.mean``. Returns ------- PVL: A PVL object with the aggregated result. If any of the components is missing any values in the list it will be reflected with ``nan`` value in that position. """ p = self.__process_one('p', p_func) v = self.__process_one('v', v_func) ld = self.__process_one('ld', ld_func) return PVL(p, v, ld)
[docs]class Joint(): """A Joint is a convenient class to represent a positional device. A Joint class provides an abstract access to a device providing: - access to arbitrary registers in device to retrieve / set the position - possibility to invert coordinates - possibility to add an offset so that the 0 of the joint is different from the 0 of the device - include max and min range in joint coordinates to reflect physical limitation of the joint Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the joint device: BaseDevice or subclass The device object connected to the joint pos_read: str The register name used to retrieve current position pos_write: str The register name used to write desired position activate: str or ``None`` The register name used to control device activation. Optional. inverse: bool Indicates inverse coordinate system versus the device; default ``False`` offset: float Offset of the joint from device's 0; default 0.0 minim: float or ``None`` Introduces a minimum limit for the joint value; ignored if ``None`` which is also the default maxim: float or ``None`` Introduces a maximum limit for the joint value; ignored if ``None`` which is also the default auto: bool The joint should activate automatically when the robot starts; defaults to ``True`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='JOINT', device=None, pos_read=None, pos_write=None, activate=None, inverse=False, offset=0.0, minim=None, maxim=None, auto=True, **kwargs): self.__name = name check_not_empty(device, 'device', 'joint',, logger) check_type(device, BaseDevice, 'joint',, logger) self.__device = device check_not_empty(pos_read, 'pos_read', 'joint',, logger) check_key(pos_read, device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{pos_read}') self.__pos_r = getattr(device, pos_read) check_not_empty(pos_read, 'pos_read', 'joint',, logger) check_key(pos_write, device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{pos_write}') self.__pos_w = getattr(device, pos_write) if activate: check_key(activate, device.__dict__, 'joint', self.__name, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{activate}') self.__activate = getattr(device, activate) else: self.__activate = activate check_options(inverse, [True, False], 'joint',, logger) self.__inverse = inverse check_type(offset, float, 'joint',, logger) self.__offset = offset if minim: check_type(minim, float, 'joint',, logger) self.__min = minim if maxim: check_type(maxim, float, 'joint',, logger) self.__max = maxim check_options(auto, [True, False], 'joint',, logger) self.__auto_activate = auto
@property def name(self): """(read-only) Joint's name.""" return self.__name @property def device(self): """(read-only) The device used by joint.""" return self.__device @property def position_read_register(self): """(read-only) The register for current position.""" return self.__pos_r @property def position_write_register(self): """(read-only) The register for desired position.""" return self.__pos_w @property def activate_register(self): """(read-only) The register for activation control.""" return self.__activate @property def active(self): """(read-write) Accessor for activating the joint. If the activation registry was not specified (``None``) the method will return ``True`` (assumes the joints are active by default if not controllable. The setter will log a warning if you try to assign a value to this property if there is no register assigned to it. Returns ------- bool: Value of the activate register or ``True`` if no register was specified when the joint was created. """ if self.__activate: return self.__activate.value return True @active.setter def active(self, value): if self.__activate: self.__activate.value = value else: logger.warning(f'attempted to change activation of joint ' f'{} that does not have an activation ' 'registry assigned.') @property def auto_activate(self): """Indicates if the joint should automatically be activated when the robot starts.""" return self.__auto_activate @property def inverse(self): """(read-only) Joint uses inverse coordinates versus the device.""" return self.__inverse @property def offset(self): """(read-only) The offset between joint coords and device coords.""" return self.__offset @property def range(self): """(read-only) Tuple (min, max) of joint limits. Returns ------- (min, max) A tuple with the min and max limits for the joints. ``None`` indicates that the joint does not have a particular limit set. """ return (self.__min, self.__max) @property def position(self): """**Getter** uses the read register and applies `inverse` and `offset` transformations, **setter** clips to (min, max) limit if set, applies `offset` and `inverse` and writes to the write register. """ value = self.__pos_r.value if self.__inverse: value = - value value += self.__offset return value @position.setter def position(self, value): if self.__max is not None: value = min(self.__max, value) if self.__min is not None: value = max(self.__min, value) value -= self.__offset if self.__inverse: value = -value self.__pos_w.value = value @property def desired_position(self): """(read-only) Retrieves the desired position from the write register.""" value = self.__pos_w.value if self.__inverse: value = - value value += self.__offset return value @property def value(self): """Generic accessor / setter that uses tuples to interact with the joint. For position only joints only position is set. """ return PVL(self.position, nan, nan) @value.setter def value(self, pvl): """``values`` should be a tuple in all circumstances. For position only joints only position is used. """ if not isnan(pvl.p): self.position = pvl.p @property def desired(self): """Generic accessor for desired joint values. Always a tuple. For position only joints only position attribute is used. """ return PVL(self.desired_position, nan, nan)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'{}: p={self.position:.3f}'
[docs]class JointPV(Joint): """A Joint with position and velocity control. It inherits all the paramters from :py:class:`Joint` and adds the following additional ones: Parameters ---------- vel_read: str The register name used to retrieve current velocity vel_write: str The register name used to write desired velocity """
[docs] def __init__(self, vel_read=None, vel_write=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_not_empty(vel_read, 'vel_read', 'joint',, logger) check_key(vel_read, self.device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{vel_read}') self.__vel_r = getattr(self.device, vel_read) check_not_empty(vel_write, 'vel_write', 'joint',, logger) check_key(vel_write, self.device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{vel_write}') self.__vel_w = getattr(self.device, vel_write)
@property def velocity(self): """**Getter** uses the read register and applies `inverse` transformation, **setter** uses absolute values and writes to the write register. """ value = self.__vel_r.value if self.inverse: value = - value return value @velocity.setter def velocity(self, value): # desired velocity is absolute only! self.__vel_w.value = abs(value) @property def velocity_read_register(self): """(read-only) The register for current velocity.""" return self.__vel_r @property def velocity_write_register(self): """(read-only) The register for desired velocity.""" return self.__vel_w @property def desired_velocity(self): """(read-only) Retrieves the desired velocity from the write register.""" # should be absolute only return self.__vel_w.value @property def value(self): """For a PV joint the value is a tuple with only 2 values used: (position, velocity).""" return PVL(self.position, self.velocity, nan) @value.setter def value(self, pvl): """For a PV joint the value is a tuple with only 2 values used. Parameters ---------- values: PVL (position, velocity, None) """ if not isnan(pvl.p): self.position = pvl.p if not isnan(pvl.v): self.velocity = pvl.v @property def desired(self): """For PV joint the desired is a tuple with only 2 values used. """ return PVL(self.desired_position, self.desired_velocity, nan)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'{Joint.__repr__(self)}, v={self.velocity:.3f}'
[docs]class JointPVL(JointPV): """A Joint with position, velocity and load control. It inherits all the paramters from :py:class:`JointPV` and adds the following additional ones: Parameters ---------- load_read: str The register name used to retrieve current load load_write: str The register name used to write desired load """
[docs] def __init__(self, load_read=None, load_write=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) check_not_empty(load_read, 'load_read', 'joint',, logger) check_key(load_read, self.device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{load_read}') self.__load_r = getattr(self.device, load_read) check_not_empty(load_write, 'load_write', 'joint',, logger) check_key(load_write, self.device.__dict__, 'joint',, logger, f'device {} does not have a register ' f'{load_write}') self.__load_w = getattr(self.device, load_write)
@property def load(self): """**Getter** uses the read register and applies `inverse` transformation, **setter** uses absolute values and writes to the write register. """ value = self.__load_r.value if self.inverse: value = - value return value @load.setter def load(self, value): # desired load is absolute value! self.__load_w.value = abs(value) @property def load_read_register(self): """(read-only) The register for current load.""" return self.__load_r @property def load_write_register(self): """(read-only) The register for desired velocity.""" return self.__load_w @property def desired_load(self): """(read-only) Retrieves the desired velocity from the write register.""" # should be absolute value! return self.__load_w.value @property def value(self): """For a PVL joint the value is a tuple of 3 values (position, velocity, load) """ return PVL(self.position, self.velocity, self.load) @value.setter def value(self, pvl): """For a PVL joint the value is a tuple of 3 values. Parameters ---------- values: tuple (position, velocity, load) """ if not isnan(pvl.p): self.position = pvl.p if not isnan(pvl.v): self.velocity = pvl.v if not isnan(pvl.ld): self.load = pvl.ld @property def desired(self): """For PV joint the desired is a tuple with all 3 values used.""" return PVL(self.desired_position, self.desired_velocity, self.desired_load)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'{JointPV.__repr__(self)}, l={self.load:.3f}'