
class JointPVL(load_read=None, load_write=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: roboglia.base.joint.JointPV

A Joint with position, velocity and load control.

It inherits all the paramters from JointPV and adds the following additional ones:

  • load_read (str) – The register name used to retrieve current load

  • load_write (str) – The register name used to write desired load

__init__(load_read=None, load_write=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property activate_register

(read-only) The register for activation control.

property active

(read-write) Accessor for activating the joint. If the activation registry was not specified (None) the method will return True (assumes the joints are active by default if not controllable.

The setter will log a warning if you try to assign a value to this property if there is no register assigned to it.


Value of the activate register or True if no register was specified when the joint was created.

Return type


property auto_activate

Indicates if the joint should automatically be activated when the robot starts.

property desired_position

(read-only) Retrieves the desired position from the write register.

property desired_velocity

(read-only) Retrieves the desired velocity from the write register.

property device

(read-only) The device used by joint.

property inverse

(read-only) Joint uses inverse coordinates versus the device.

property load

Getter uses the read register and applies inverse transformation, setter uses absolute values and writes to the write register.

property name

(read-only) Joint’s name.

property offset

(read-only) The offset between joint coords and device coords.

property position

Getter uses the read register and applies inverse and offset transformations, setter clips to (min, max) limit if set, applies offset and inverse and writes to the write register.

property position_read_register

(read-only) The register for current position.

property position_write_register

(read-only) The register for desired position.

property range

(read-only) Tuple (min, max) of joint limits.


A tuple with the min and max limits for the joints. None indicates that the joint does not have a particular limit set.

Return type

(min, max)

property velocity

Getter uses the read register and applies inverse transformation, setter uses absolute values and writes to the write register.

property velocity_read_register

(read-only) The register for current velocity.

property velocity_write_register

(read-only) The register for desired velocity.

property load_read_register

(read-only) The register for current load.

property load_write_register

(read-only) The register for desired velocity.

property desired_load

(read-only) Retrieves the desired velocity from the write register.

property value

For a PVL joint the value is a tuple of 3 values (position, velocity, load)

property desired

For PV joint the desired is a tuple with all 3 values used.


Return repr(self).