
class BaseBus(name='BUS', robot=None, port='', auto=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A base abstract class for handling an arbitrary bus.

You will normally subclass BaseBus and define particular functionality specific to the bus by implementing the methods of the BaseBus. This class only stores the name of the bus and the access to the physical object. Your subclass can add additional attributes and methods to deal with the particularities of the real bus represented.

  • name (str) – The name of the bus

  • robot (BaseRobot) – A reference to the robot using the bus

  • port (any) – An identification for the physical bus access. Some busses have string description like /dev/ttySC0 while others could be just integers (like in the case of I2C or SPI buses)

  • auto (Bool) – If True the bus will be opened when the robot is started by calling BaseRobot.start(). If False the bus will be left closed during robot initialization and needs to be opened by the programmer.

  • Raises – KeyError: if port not supplied

__init__(name='BUS', robot=None, port='', auto=True, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

property name

(read-only) the bus name.

property robot

The robot that owns the bus.

property port

(read-only) the bus port.

property auto_open

Indicates if the bus should be opened by the robot when initializing.


Opens the actual physical bus. Must be overridden by the subclass.


Closes the actual physical bus. Must be overridden by the subclass, but the implementation in the subclass should first check for the return from this method before actually closing the bus as dependent object on this bus might be affected:

def close(self):
    if super().close()
        ... do the close activities
    # optional; the handling in the ``BaseBus.close()`` will
    # issue error message to log

Returrns a representation of a BaseBus that includes the name of the class, the port and the status (open or closed).

property is_open

Returns True or False if the bus is open. Must be overridden by the subclass.


Reads one register information from the bus. Must be overridden.


reg (BaseRegister or subclass) – The register object that needs to be read. Keep in mind that the register object also contains a reference to the device in the device attribute and it is up to the subclass to determine the way the information must be processed before providing it to the caller.


Typically it would return an int that will have to be handled by the caller.

Return type


write(reg, val)[source]

Writes one register information from the bus. Must be overridden.

  • reg (BaseRegister or subclass) – The register object that needs to be written. Keep in mind that the register object also contains a reference to the device in the device attribute and it is up to the subclass to determine the way the information must be processed before providing it actual device.

  • val (int) – The value needed to the written to the device.