
class BaseRobot(name='ROBOT', buses={}, inits={}, devices={}, joints={}, sensors={}, groups={}, syncs={}, manager={})[source]

Bases: object

A complete representation of a robot.

A robot has at minimum one Bus and one Device. You can create a robot programatically by calling the constructor and providing all the parameters required or use an initialization dictionary or a YAML file. The last option is the preferred one considering the volume of information usually needed to describe a robot.

For initializing a robot from a dictionary definition use from_dict() class method. For instantiating from a YAML file use from_yaml() class method.

  • name (str) – the name of the robot; will default to ROBOT

  • buses (dict) – a dictionary with buses definitions; the components of the buses are defined by the attributes of the particular class of the bus

  • inits (dict) –

    a dictionary of register initialization; should have the following form:

            register_1: value
            register_2: None     # this indicates 'read initialization'
            register_3: value
            register_4: value

    see also the BaseDevice where the details of the initialization process are described

  • devices (dict) – a dictionary with the device definitions; the components of devices are defined by the attributes of the particular class of device

  • joints (dict) – a dictionary with the joint definitions; the components of the joints are defined by the attributes of the particular class of joint

  • sensors (dict) – a dictionary with the sensors defintion; the components of the sensor are defined by the attributes of the particular class of sensor

  • groups (dict) – a dictionary with the group definitions; the groups end up unwind in the robot as sets (eliminates duplication) and they are defined by the following components (keys in the dictionary defintion): devices a list of device names in no particular order, joints a list of joint names in no particular order, sensors a list of sensors in no particular order and groups a list of sub-groups that were previously defined and will be included in the current group. Technically it is possible to mix and match the components of a group (for instance create groups that contain devices, sensors, and joints).

  • syncs (dict) – a dictionary with sync loops definitions; the components of syncs are defined by the attributes of the particular class of sync.

__init__(name='ROBOT', buses={}, inits={}, devices={}, joints={}, sensors={}, groups={}, syncs={}, manager={})[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

classmethod from_yaml(file_name)[source]

Initializes the robot from a YAML file. It will attempt to read the file and parse it with yaml library (PyYaml) and then passes it to the from_dict() class method to do further initialization.


file_name (str) – The name of the YAML file with the robot definition


FileNotFoundError – in case the file is not available

property name

(read-only) The name of the robot.

property buses

(read-only) The buses of the robot as a dict.

property inits

The initialization templates defined for the robot.

property devices

(read-only) The devices of the robot as a dict.


Returns a device by it’s ID.


dev_id (int) – the ID or device to be returned


the register with that ID in the device. If no register with that ID exists, returns None.

Return type


property joints

(read-only) The joints of the robot as a dict.

property sensors

The sensors of the robot as a dict.

property groups

(read-only) The groups of the robot as a dict.

property syncs

(read-only) The syncs of the robot as a dict.

property manager

The RobotManager of the robot.


Starts the robot operation. It will:

  • call the open() method on all buses except the ones that have auto set to False

  • call the open() method on all devices except the ones that have auto set to False

  • call the start() method on all syncs except the ones that have auto set to False


Stops the robot operation. It will:

  • call the stop() method on all syncs

  • call the close() method on all devices

  • call the close() method on all buses