
class FileBus(name='FILEBUS', robot=None, port='', auto=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: roboglia.base.bus.BaseBus

A bus that writes to a file with cache provided for testing purposes.

Writes by this class are send to a file stream and also buffered in a local memory. Reads use this buffer to return values or use the default values from the register defintion.

Same parameters as BaseBus.

__init__(name='FILEBUS', robot=None, port='', auto=True, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Opens the file associated with the FileBus.


Closes the file associated with the FileBus.

property is_open

Returns True is the file is opened.

write(reg, value)[source]

Updates the values in the FileBus.

The method will update the buffer with the value provided then will log the write on the file. A flush() is performed in case you want to inspect the content of the file while the robot is running.

File writing errors are intercepted and logged but no Exception is raised.

  • reg (BaseRegister or subclass) – The register object that needs to be written. Keep in mind that the register object also contains a reference to the device in the device attribute and it is up to the subclass to determine the way the information must be processed before providing it actual device.

  • value (int) – The value needed to the written to the device.


Reads the value from the buffer of FileBus and logs it.

The method intercepts the raise errors from writing to the physical file and converts them to errors in the log file so that the rest of the program can continue uninterrupted.

The method will try to read from the buffer the value. If there is no value in the buffer it will be defaulted from the register’s default value. The method will log the read to the file and return the value.


reg (BaseRegister or subclass) – The register object that needs to be read. Keep in mind that the register object also contains a reference to the device in the device attribute and it is up to the subclass to determine the way the information must be processed before providing it to the caller.


Typically it would return an int that will have to be handled by the caller.

Return type



The string representation of the FileBus is a dump of the internal buffer.


Returrns a representation of a BaseBus that includes the name of the class, the port and the status (open or closed).

property auto_open

Indicates if the bus should be opened by the robot when initializing.

property name

(read-only) the bus name.

property port

(read-only) the bus port.

property robot

The robot that owns the bus.